
Posted by 大狗 on April 12, 2021



BORING SSL和OPENSSL相比较使用的参数,命令行的选项之类的东西都非常类似。


0 技术调研和总览

0.1 如何做技术调研


  • 技术调研的目的是什么,需求是什么?泛需求?核心需求是什么
  • 合理安排时间
  • 调整心态


  • 核心需求是什么?想做什么事情?(这一部分可以和具体TLS相关写代码的人聊聊)
  • 从哪些渠道收集了哪些信息?
  • 做了哪些常识?
  • 如果找到了解决方案,那么此方案的前提条件,适用场景,会不会有潜在的问题。优缺点分析,
  • 如何落地?如果使用具体的功能,需要注意哪些方面


  • 具体技术的新不新,稳不稳定,容不容易维护
  • 结果量化,从各个角度进行技术的量化
  • 多搜集信息,类似的项目做了什么?它们的利弊有哪些?比较这些技术的相似和不同,他们的优缺点有哪些?
  • 具体的技术如何落地?


  • 性能方面的优化手段,包括但不限于计算加速,复用优化
  • 安全性方面的改进,
  • 兼容性剪裁,我们需要做哪些操作才能提供兼容,并且提供灵活的使用方法


  • throughtworks技术雷达

0.2 调研计划

0.2.1 调研对象和方法




调研方法:1 调研BORGINSS L从2020年提交的PATCH,关注其中功能性方面的代码;2 BoringSSL文档中提供,而OpenSSL未提供的旧功能,尤其关注针对大规模环境下提交的功能;3 源代码剪裁,尤其是以gRPC为代表的软件所执行的代码剪裁。

0.2.2 调研结果


  • 安全方面:重点关注BorringSSL实现了哪些新的安全功能,改进了哪些曾经的部件(流程),对TLS的利用到哪种程度
  • 标准化方面:即BorringSSL提取出哪些组件为标准模块参与到基本功能里
  • 性能方面:性能方面主要为TLS握手性能的优化。需区分TLS1.3和TLS1.3之前的协议
  • 兼容性方面:主要表现为功能剪裁,即BoringSSL相比较OpenSSL筛检了哪些基本功能。 安全方面


  1. HPKE,混合公钥加密方案,目前主要用于非对称环境下的一次一密通信方案。目前已有的使用方案为ECH,用于加密SNI信息,保证所有握手信息的安全性,绕过第三方监控等等。OpenSSL不支持该功能,而BoringSSL已经作为基本组件进入代码库。

    HPKE的解释和优缺点:混合公钥加密方案,目前主要用于非对称环境下的一次一密通信方案。目前已有的使用方案为ECH,用于加密SNI信息,保证所有握手信息的安全性,绕过第三方监控等等。HPKE的优点是,其安全性经过机构证明,和实施时编写的代码细节没有直接关系,且性能良好。其缺点在于客户端必须预先共享真正服务器(backend server)的证书/公钥等信息,增加了客户端负担。HPKE适用于大规模启用TLS握手环境。实现难度较大。

  2. AEAD取代过去的EncryptThenMac,使用AEAD替代过去加密和认证分离的储存机制。优点为安全和性能的兼顾,避免了程序员自己实现不安全的EThenC方案。缺点为目前已有的AEAD方案没有拆分开EThenC灵活,不能随意组合。OpenSSL提供了的AEAD接口,但是没有将AEAD作为一个通用模块参与到对敏感信息(如SESSION,Identity)的保护。


  3. TrustToken/PMBToken,GOOGLE用于替代第三方COOKIE而提出的方案,除了提供者和提供者授权的对象能够鉴别Token携带者是否为用户(也可用于区分用户和robot),第三方均无法鉴别。该方案不属于标准方案,因此OpenSSL并不支持

    TrustToken的优缺点:GOOGLE用于替代第三方COOKIE而提出的方案,除了提供者和提供者授权的对象能够鉴别Token携带者是否为用户(也可用于区分用户和robot),第三方无法鉴别。优点为trusttoken提供了完全保密性,即使是redeemer认为token是可信的,也不能从token当中得出用户的具体身份。缺点是:trusttoken并不抗重放,不能确认用户是其声称的角色。(Trust Tokens are a way to convey trust in a user, not establish trust in a user.)且其具体的使用方法需要结合环境变化,实现难度较大。

  4. SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify证书校验异步操作,相比OpenSSL,BoringSSL单独将认证证书的流程拿出来从而提供更详细的认证控制

    BoringSSL对于计算流程,身份验证流程,证书签名流程均留了开放接口方便用户进行自定义操作,方便用户将签名/验签等流程交付给自定义/异步的真实后端操作。由于是可选的操作,因此不存在明显的优缺点。 标准化方面
  1. AEAD的标准化,目前已知覆盖了敏感信息存储(SESSION TICKET)。AEAD的优缺点已经阐述过,不再赘述。

  2. HKDF-EXPAND+HKDF-EXTRACT,逐渐替代过去的PRF。相比较而言BoringSSL内部已经开始大规模的使用HKDF替代过去的PRF流程,相比较而言,目前OPENSSL并没有使用HKDF替代过去的PRF


  3. SIPHASH,主要用于hash表的一种高速安全的伪随机码产生函数。BoringSSL,OpenSSL支持但是没有大规模使用


  4. GREASE,是”Generate Random Extensions And Sustain Extensibility”的简称,目前依然处于DRAFT阶段。BoringSSL已经支持,但OpenSSL并未支持

    GREASE优缺点:GREASE用于测试服务器/客户端的TLS实现是否正确,并用于简单的测试。它之所以有效依赖一个简单的前提:TLS期望服务端/客户端会忽视它们不是别的选项(协议/CIPHER/拓展等等)。从本质来说,GREASE只是一种测试,不存在所谓优缺点的问题。 性能方面


  1. 证书压缩,使用证书压缩功能降低长证书链下传输的数据长度。证书压缩主要针对长证书链,目前证书压缩的应用场景主要集中在QUIC协议,普通TLS并未大规模使用,因此未进行性能测试。


  2. TLS1.3的大规模使用,使用TLS1.3降低时延消耗(一个RTT)。需要注意两点:1 tls的clienthello报文往往是跟随三次握手的末尾一同到达对端。2 cloudfire的服务器在国外,一个RTT的影响较大。

    协议版本号 被访问网站 共耗时(1000次)
    TLS1.2 435.7983s
    TLS1.3 231.5094s
  3. 使用复用模式降低握手性能消耗和时延,TLS1.3复用方案的选择,BorringSSL在TLS1.3才引入SESSION TICKET方案。通过[3]可知使用DH交换算法时,TLS1.3复用比TLS1.2复用快大约25%,使用ECDH-P-256, TLS 1.3复用快15%。

    理论上来说,复用减少至少一次签名,因此复用应当比完整握手的新建性能高30%以上。此外由于TLS1.3的SESSION TICKET免除了SESSION CACHE本地缓存争用的问题,服务端的新建性能会提高一部分,但这一部分耗时相比完整握手的两次非对称运算耗时,优化的力度难以衡量,需要测量确定。由于缺乏性能工具,所以使用估算手段计算性能。以下测量值均评估自我的主机,纯软算。

    复用方案 测试方法 新建性能(理论值)
    TLS1.3完整握手 Bssl speed测试结果估算(384) 173
    TLS1.3复用握手 Bssl speed测试结果估算(384) 438
  4. AEAD存储敏感信息时具备更好的性能。

    具体算法 操作对象 平均速度
    AES256(CBC)+HMAC(SHA1) 16386字节数据 Did 32000 AES-256-CBC-SHA1 (16384 bytes) open operations in 1010359us (31671.9 ops/sec): 518.9 MB/s
    AEAD(AES256-GCM) 相同的16384字节数据 Did 253000 AES-256-GCM (16384 bytes) seal operations in 1000260us (252934.2 ops/sec): 4144.1 MB/s
  5. 前向安全,每次握手使用静态的公钥密钥对进行握手,降低计算非对称密钥的成本。有一点需要注意TLS1.3是必然提供前向安全的,该优化针对TLS1.3之前的协议。Google在ALTS中通过轮换密钥来保证过去的流量不会被破解。每次采用静态公私密钥对减少了椭圆曲线计算的性能消耗,理论上应该至少能有20%新建性能的提升。

    方案 操作对象 新建性能(理论值)
    不提供前向安全 ECDH P384 286
    前向安全 ECDH P384 173
  6. ALPN,通信时延是性能消耗的主要来源,因此采用ALPN拓展协议能够在TLS协议协商过程当中直接确定上次协议的通信细节,避免再引入上层协议的通信延时。

    APLN的优缺点:APLN从理论来讲不存在缺点,但是需要TLS和上层协议结合可能是其唯一缺点。 兼容性方面


TLS PROTOCOL TLS1.0-TLS1.3 TLS1_2, TLS1_3(GRPC和chromium都不支持TLS1.0/1.1,CHROME81即不再支持)
默认CIPHER TLS协议对应的所有协议 “TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:”
签名算法 ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256 (0x0403)
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384 (0x0503)
ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512 (0x0603)
ed25519 (0x0807)
ed448 (0x0808)
rsa_pss_pss_sha256 (0x0809)
rsa_pss_pss_sha384 (0x080a)
rsa_pss_pss_sha512 (0x080b)
rsa_pss_rsae_sha256 (0x0804)
rsa_pss_rsae_sha384 (0x0805)
rsa_pss_rsae_sha512 (0x0806)
rsa_pkcs1_sha256 (0x0401)
rsa_pkcs1_sha384 (0x0501)
rsa_pkcs1_sha512 (0x0601)
SHA224 ECDSA (0x0303)
ecdsa_sha1 (0x0203)
SHA224 RSA (0x0301)
rsa_pkcs1_sha1 (0x0201)
SHA224 DSA (0x0302)
SHA1 DSA (0x0202)
SHA256 DSA (0x0402)
SHA384 DSA (0x0502)
SHA512 DSA (0x0602)

// Larger hashes are acceptable.


// For now, SHA-1 is still accepted but least preferable.
校验客户端证书支持的verify算法 和上面一致,都支持 SSL_SIGN_ED25519,

// If needed, sign larger hashes.
// TODO(davidben): Determine which of these may be pruned.


// If the peer supports nothing else, sign with SHA-1.
支持的曲线(groups) x25519 (0x001d)
secp256r1 (0x0017)
x448 (0x001e)
secp521r1 (0x0019)
secp384r1 (0x0018)
{NID_secp224r1, “P-224”, “secp224r1”},
{NID_X9_62_prime256v1, , “P-256”, “prime256v1”},
{NID_secp384r1, “P-384”, “secp384r1”},
{NID_secp521r1, “P-521”, “secp521r1”},
{NID_X25519, “X25519”, “x25519”},
默认的证书校验方式 也是只校验服务端证书,不校验SNI GRPC_TLS_SERVER_VERIFICATION 校验证书和SNI必须匹配

1 连接相关的数据结构

1.1 cipher数据结构

boringSSL取了cipher的通用name和具体的cipher id(和clienthello中保持一致),但是和openssl不一致的地方是boringSSL拆出来了通用属性,作为结构体里面的成员。可以看到,拆出来了秘钥交换算法,认证算法,对称加密算法,MAC算法,秘钥衍生算法。有一个很有趣的东西是SSLCipherPreferenceList,这个东西提供了prefertcert功能。头文件定义于internal.h文件,具体代码见下:

struct ssl_cipher_st {
  // name is the OpenSSL name for the cipher.
  const char *name;
  // standard_name is the IETF name for the cipher.
  const char *standard_name;
  // id is the cipher suite value bitwise OR-d with 0x03000000.
  uint32_t id;

  // algorithm_* determine the cipher suite. See constants below for the values.
  uint32_t algorithm_mkey;
  uint32_t algorithm_auth;
  uint32_t algorithm_enc;
  uint32_t algorithm_mac;
  uint32_t algorithm_prf;


// Bits for |algorithm_mkey| (key exchange algorithm).
#define SSL_kRSA 0x00000001u
#define SSL_kECDHE 0x00000002u
// SSL_kPSK is only set for plain PSK, not ECDHE_PSK.
#define SSL_kPSK 0x00000004u
#define SSL_kGENERIC 0x00000008u

// Bits for |algorithm_auth| (server authentication).
#define SSL_aRSA 0x00000001u
#define SSL_aECDSA 0x00000002u
// SSL_aPSK is set for both PSK and ECDHE_PSK.
#define SSL_aPSK 0x00000004u
#define SSL_aGENERIC 0x00000008u


// Bits for |algorithm_enc| (symmetric encryption).
#define SSL_3DES 0x00000001u
#define SSL_AES128 0x00000002u
#define SSL_AES256 0x00000004u
#define SSL_AES128GCM 0x00000008u
#define SSL_AES256GCM 0x00000010u
#define SSL_eNULL 0x00000020u
#define SSL_CHACHA20POLY1305 0x00000040u

#define SSL_AES (SSL_AES128 | SSL_AES256 | SSL_AES128GCM | SSL_AES256GCM)

// Bits for |algorithm_mac| (symmetric authentication).
#define SSL_SHA1 0x00000001u
// SSL_AEAD is set for all AEADs.
#define SSL_AEAD 0x00000002u

// Bits for |algorithm_prf| (handshake digest).
#define SSL_HANDSHAKE_MAC_SHA256 0x2
#define SSL_HANDSHAKE_MAC_SHA384 0x4

// SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE is size of the largest hash function used in TLS, SHA-384.
#define SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE 48

1.2 握手的基本数据结构

1.2.1 TLS连接结构

可以看出来SSL_HANDSHAKE结构和具体的握手状态是相关的,具体的握手状态在自动机里面才会用到,先不过于关注这几个东西。BoringSSL添加了一个SSL_CONFIG结构用于完成握手之后给后面连接保存必要的信息。 SSL并不是线程安全的,任何时刻只能有一个线程使用该数据结构。具体的配置可以直接对SSL_CTX结构或者世界对SSL结构配置。实际上这个东西就是我们关注的对象

enum ssl_hs_wait_t {

enum ssl_grease_index_t {
  ssl_grease_cipher = 0,
  ssl_grease_last_index = ssl_grease_ticket_extension,

enum tls12_server_hs_state_t {
  state12_start_accept = 0,

enum tls13_server_hs_state_t {
  state13_select_parameters = 0,

// handback_t lists the points in the state machine where a handback can occur.
// These are the different points at which key material is no longer needed.
enum handback_t {
  handback_after_session_resumption = 0,
  handback_after_ecdhe = 1,
  handback_after_handshake = 2,
  handback_tls13 = 3,
  handback_max_value = handback_tls13,

  explicit SSL_HANDSHAKE(SSL *ssl);
  static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;

  // ssl is a non-owning pointer to the parent |SSL| object.
  SSL *ssl;

  // config is a non-owning pointer to the handshake configuration.
  SSL_CONFIG *config;

  // wait contains the operation the handshake is currently blocking on or
  // |ssl_hs_ok| if none.
  enum ssl_hs_wait_t wait = ssl_hs_ok;

  // state is the internal state for the TLS 1.2 and below handshake. Its
  // values depend on |do_handshake| but the starting state is always zero.
  int state = 0;

  // tls13_state is the internal state for the TLS 1.3 handshake. Its values
  // depend on |do_handshake| but the starting state is always zero.
  int tls13_state = 0;

  // min_version is the minimum accepted protocol version, taking account both
  // |SSL_OP_NO_*| and |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| APIs.
  uint16_t min_version = 0;

  // max_version is the maximum accepted protocol version, taking account both
  // |SSL_OP_NO_*| and |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version| APIs.
  uint16_t max_version = 0;

  size_t hash_len_ = 0;
  uint8_t secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
  uint8_t early_traffic_secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
  uint8_t client_handshake_secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
  uint8_t server_handshake_secret_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
  uint8_t client_traffic_secret_0_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
  uint8_t server_traffic_secret_0_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
  uint8_t expected_client_finished_[SSL_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};

  void ResizeSecrets(size_t hash_len);

  // GetClientHello, on the server, returns either the normal ClientHello
  // message or the ClientHelloInner if it has been serialized to
  // |ech_client_hello_buf|. This function should only be called when the
  // current message is a ClientHello. It returns true on success and false on
  // error.
  // Note that fields of the returned |out_msg| and |out_client_hello| point
  // into a handshake-owned buffer, so their lifetimes should not exceed this
  bool GetClientHello(SSLMessage *out_msg, SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *out_client_hello);

  Span<uint8_t> secret() { return MakeSpan(secret_, hash_len_); }
  Span<uint8_t> early_traffic_secret() {
    return MakeSpan(early_traffic_secret_, hash_len_);
  Span<uint8_t> client_handshake_secret() {
    return MakeSpan(client_handshake_secret_, hash_len_);
  Span<uint8_t> server_handshake_secret() {
    return MakeSpan(server_handshake_secret_, hash_len_);
  Span<uint8_t> client_traffic_secret_0() {
    return MakeSpan(client_traffic_secret_0_, hash_len_);
  Span<uint8_t> server_traffic_secret_0() {
    return MakeSpan(server_traffic_secret_0_, hash_len_);
  Span<uint8_t> expected_client_finished() {
    return MakeSpan(expected_client_finished_, hash_len_);

  union {
    // sent is a bitset where the bits correspond to elements of kExtensions
    // in t1_lib.c. Each bit is set if that extension was sent in a
    // ClientHello. It's not used by servers.
    uint32_t sent = 0;
    // received is a bitset, like |sent|, but is used by servers to record
    // which extensions were received from a client.
    uint32_t received;
  } extensions;

  // retry_group is the group ID selected by the server in HelloRetryRequest in
  // TLS 1.3.
  uint16_t retry_group = 0;

  // error, if |wait| is |ssl_hs_error|, is the error the handshake failed on.
  UniquePtr<ERR_SAVE_STATE> error;

  // key_shares are the current key exchange instances. The second is only used
  // as a client if we believe that we should offer two key shares in a
  // ClientHello.
  UniquePtr<SSLKeyShare> key_shares[2];

  // transcript is the current handshake transcript.
  SSLTranscript transcript;

  // cookie is the value of the cookie received from the server, if any.
  Array<uint8_t> cookie;

  // ech_grease contains the bytes of the GREASE ECH extension that was sent in
  // the first ClientHello.
  Array<uint8_t> ech_grease;

  // ech_client_hello_buf, on the server, contains the bytes of the
  // reconstructed ClientHelloInner message.
  Array<uint8_t> ech_client_hello_buf;

  // key_share_bytes is the value of the previously sent KeyShare extension by
  // the client in TLS 1.3.
  Array<uint8_t> key_share_bytes;

  // ecdh_public_key, for servers, is the key share to be sent to the client in
  // TLS 1.3.
  Array<uint8_t> ecdh_public_key;

  // peer_sigalgs are the signature algorithms that the peer supports. These are
  // taken from the contents of the signature algorithms extension for a server
  // or from the CertificateRequest for a client.
  Array<uint16_t> peer_sigalgs;

  // peer_supported_group_list contains the supported group IDs advertised by
  // the peer. This is only set on the server's end. The server does not
  // advertise this extension to the client.
  Array<uint16_t> peer_supported_group_list;

  // peer_delegated_credential_sigalgs are the signature algorithms the peer
  // supports with delegated credentials.
  Array<uint16_t> peer_delegated_credential_sigalgs;

  // peer_key is the peer's ECDH key for a TLS 1.2 client.
  Array<uint8_t> peer_key;

  // negotiated_token_binding_version is used by a server to store the
  // on-the-wire encoding of the Token Binding protocol version to advertise in
  // the ServerHello/EncryptedExtensions if the Token Binding extension is to be
  // sent.
  uint16_t negotiated_token_binding_version;

  // cert_compression_alg_id, for a server, contains the negotiated certificate
  // compression algorithm for this client. It is only valid if
  // |cert_compression_negotiated| is true.
  uint16_t cert_compression_alg_id;

  // ech_hpke_ctx, on the server, is the HPKE context used to decrypt the
  // client's ECH payloads.
  ScopedEVP_HPKE_CTX ech_hpke_ctx;

  // server_params, in a TLS 1.2 server, stores the ServerKeyExchange
  // parameters. It has client and server randoms prepended for signing
  // convenience.
  Array<uint8_t> server_params;

  // peer_psk_identity_hint, on the client, is the psk_identity_hint sent by the
  // server when using a TLS 1.2 PSK key exchange.
  UniquePtr<char> peer_psk_identity_hint;

  // ca_names, on the client, contains the list of CAs received in a
  // CertificateRequest message.
  UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> ca_names;

  // cached_x509_ca_names contains a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
  // |ca_names|. This pointer is left non-owning so only
  // |ssl_crypto_x509_method| needs to link against crypto/x509.
  STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *cached_x509_ca_names = nullptr;

  // certificate_types, on the client, contains the set of certificate types
  // received in a CertificateRequest message.
  Array<uint8_t> certificate_types;

  // local_pubkey is the public key we are authenticating as.
  UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> local_pubkey;

  // peer_pubkey is the public key parsed from the peer's leaf certificate.
  UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> peer_pubkey;

  // new_session is the new mutable session being established by the current
  // handshake. It should not be cached.
  UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> new_session;

  // early_session is the session corresponding to the current 0-RTT state on
  // the client if |in_early_data| is true.
  UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> early_session;

  // ech_server_config_list, for servers, is the list of ECHConfig values that
  // were valid when the server received the first ClientHello. Its value will
  // not change when the config list on |SSL_CTX| is updated.
  UniquePtr<SSL_ECH_SERVER_CONFIG_LIST> ech_server_config_list;

  // new_cipher is the cipher being negotiated in this handshake.
  const SSL_CIPHER *new_cipher = nullptr;

  // key_block is the record-layer key block for TLS 1.2 and earlier.
  Array<uint8_t> key_block;

  // ech_accept, on the server, indicates whether the server should overwrite
  // part of ServerHello.random with the ECH accept_confirmation value.
  bool ech_accept : 1;

  // ech_present, on the server, indicates whether the ClientHello contained an
  // encrypted_client_hello extension.
  bool ech_present : 1;

  // ech_is_inner_present, on the server, indicates whether the ClientHello
  // contained an ech_is_inner extension.
  bool ech_is_inner_present : 1;

  // scts_requested is true if the SCT extension is in the ClientHello.
  bool scts_requested : 1;

  // needs_psk_binder is true if the ClientHello has a placeholder PSK binder to
  // be filled in.
  bool needs_psk_binder : 1;

  // handshake_finalized is true once the handshake has completed, at which
  // point accessors should use the established state.
  bool handshake_finalized : 1;

  // accept_psk_mode stores whether the client's PSK mode is compatible with our
  // preferences.
  bool accept_psk_mode : 1;

  // cert_request is true if a client certificate was requested.
  bool cert_request : 1;

  // certificate_status_expected is true if OCSP stapling was negotiated and the
  // server is expected to send a CertificateStatus message. (This is used on
  // both the client and server sides.)
  bool certificate_status_expected : 1;

  // ocsp_stapling_requested is true if a client requested OCSP stapling.
  bool ocsp_stapling_requested : 1;

  // delegated_credential_requested is true if the peer indicated support for
  // the delegated credential extension.
  bool delegated_credential_requested : 1;

  // should_ack_sni is used by a server and indicates that the SNI extension
  // should be echoed in the ServerHello.
  bool should_ack_sni : 1;

  // in_false_start is true if there is a pending client handshake in False
  // Start. The client may write data at this point.
  bool in_false_start : 1;

  // in_early_data is true if there is a pending handshake that has progressed
  // enough to send and receive early data.
  bool in_early_data : 1;

  // early_data_offered is true if the client sent the early_data extension.
  bool early_data_offered : 1;

  // can_early_read is true if application data may be read at this point in the
  // handshake.
  bool can_early_read : 1;

  // can_early_write is true if application data may be written at this point in
  // the handshake.
  bool can_early_write : 1;

  // next_proto_neg_seen is one of NPN was negotiated.
  bool next_proto_neg_seen : 1;

  // ticket_expected is true if a TLS 1.2 NewSessionTicket message is to be sent
  // or received.
  bool ticket_expected : 1;

  // extended_master_secret is true if the extended master secret extension is
  // negotiated in this handshake.
  bool extended_master_secret : 1;

  // pending_private_key_op is true if there is a pending private key operation
  // in progress.
  bool pending_private_key_op : 1;

  // grease_seeded is true if |grease_seed| has been initialized.
  bool grease_seeded : 1;

  // handback indicates that a server should pause the handshake after
  // finishing operations that require private key material, in such a way that
  // |SSL_get_error| returns |SSL_ERROR_HANDBACK|.  It is set by
  // |SSL_apply_handoff|.
  bool handback : 1;

  // cert_compression_negotiated is true iff |cert_compression_alg_id| is valid.
  bool cert_compression_negotiated : 1;

  // apply_jdk11_workaround is true if the peer is probably a JDK 11 client
  // which implemented TLS 1.3 incorrectly.
  bool apply_jdk11_workaround : 1;

  // client_version is the value sent or received in the ClientHello version.
  uint16_t client_version = 0;

  // early_data_read is the amount of early data that has been read by the
  // record layer.
  uint16_t early_data_read = 0;

  // early_data_written is the amount of early data that has been written by the
  // record layer.
  uint16_t early_data_written = 0;

  // session_id is the session ID in the ClientHello.
  uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH] = {0};
  uint8_t session_id_len = 0;

  // grease_seed is the entropy for GREASE values. It is valid if
  // |grease_seeded| is true.
  uint8_t grease_seed[ssl_grease_last_index + 1] = {0};

1.2.2 SSL握手模板结构

握手模板结构是原始握手的模板,通过跟这个协商产生具体的握手协议。 SSL_CTX 结构是线程安全的。

struct ssl_ctx_st {
  explicit ssl_ctx_st(const SSL_METHOD *ssl_method);
  ssl_ctx_st(const ssl_ctx_st &) = delete;
  ssl_ctx_st &operator=(const ssl_ctx_st &) = delete;

  const bssl::SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method = nullptr;
  const bssl::SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method = nullptr;

  // lock is used to protect various operations on this object.

  // conf_max_version is the maximum acceptable protocol version configured by
  // |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
  // and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
  uint16_t conf_max_version = 0;

  // conf_min_version is the minimum acceptable protocol version configured by
  // |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
  // and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
  uint16_t conf_min_version = 0;

  // quic_method is the method table corresponding to the QUIC hooks.
  const SSL_QUIC_METHOD *quic_method = nullptr;

  bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::SSLCipherPreferenceList> cipher_list;

  X509_STORE *cert_store = nullptr;
  LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION) *sessions = nullptr;
  // Most session-ids that will be cached, default is
  unsigned long session_cache_size = SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT;
  SSL_SESSION *session_cache_head = nullptr;
  SSL_SESSION *session_cache_tail = nullptr;

  // handshakes_since_cache_flush is the number of successful handshakes since
  // the last cache flush.
  int handshakes_since_cache_flush = 0;

  // This can have one of 2 values, ored together,
  // Default is SSL_SESSION_CACHE_SERVER, which means only
  // SSL_accept which cache SSL_SESSIONS.
  int session_cache_mode = SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER;

  // session_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS 1.2 and
  // earlier, in seconds.
  uint32_t session_timeout = SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT;

  // session_psk_dhe_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS
  // 1.3, in seconds.
  uint32_t session_psk_dhe_timeout = SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_PSK_DHE_TIMEOUT;

  // If this callback is not null, it will be called each time a session id is
  // added to the cache.  If this function returns 1, it means that the
  // callback will do a SSL_SESSION_free() when it has finished using it.
  // Otherwise, on 0, it means the callback has finished with it. If
  // remove_session_cb is not null, it will be called when a session-id is
  // removed from the cache.  After the call, OpenSSL will SSL_SESSION_free()
  // it.
  int (*new_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *sess) = nullptr;
  void (*remove_session_cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *sess) = nullptr;
  SSL_SESSION *(*get_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *data, int len,
                                 int *copy) = nullptr;

  CRYPTO_refcount_t references = 1;

  // if defined, these override the X509_verify_cert() calls
  int (*app_verify_callback)(X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx, void *arg) = nullptr;
  void *app_verify_arg = nullptr;

  ssl_verify_result_t (*custom_verify_callback)(SSL *ssl,
                                                uint8_t *out_alert) = nullptr;

  // Default password callback.
  pem_password_cb *default_passwd_callback = nullptr;

  // Default password callback user data.
  void *default_passwd_callback_userdata = nullptr;

  // get client cert callback
  int (*client_cert_cb)(SSL *ssl, X509 **out_x509,
                        EVP_PKEY **out_pkey) = nullptr;

  // get channel id callback
  void (*channel_id_cb)(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey) = nullptr;

  CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;

  // Default values used when no per-SSL value is defined follow

  void (*info_callback)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value) = nullptr;

  // what we put in client cert requests
  bssl::UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> client_CA;

  // cached_x509_client_CA is a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
  // |client_CA|.
  STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *cached_x509_client_CA = nullptr;

  // Default values to use in SSL structures follow (these are copied by
  // SSL_new)

  uint32_t options = 0;
  // Disable the auto-chaining feature by default. wpa_supplicant relies on this
  // feature, but require callers opt into it.
  uint32_t mode = SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN;
  uint32_t max_cert_list = SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT;

  bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::CERT> cert;

  // callback that allows applications to peek at protocol messages
  void (*msg_callback)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
                       const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl,
                       void *arg) = nullptr;
  void *msg_callback_arg = nullptr;

  int verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;
  int (*default_verify_callback)(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) =
      nullptr;  // called 'verify_callback' in the SSL

  X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param = nullptr;

  // select_certificate_cb is called before most ClientHello processing and
  // before the decision whether to resume a session is made. See
  // |ssl_select_cert_result_t| for details of the return values.
  ssl_select_cert_result_t (*select_certificate_cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *) =

  // dos_protection_cb is called once the resumption decision for a ClientHello
  // has been made. It returns one to continue the handshake or zero to
  // abort.
  int (*dos_protection_cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *) = nullptr;

  // Controls whether to verify certificates when resuming connections. They
  // were already verified when the connection was first made, so the default is
  // false. For now, this is only respected on clients, not servers.
  bool reverify_on_resume = false;

  // Maximum amount of data to send in one fragment. actual record size can be
  // more than this due to padding and MAC overheads.
  uint16_t max_send_fragment = SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH;

  // TLS extensions servername callback
  int (*servername_callback)(SSL *, int *, void *) = nullptr;
  void *servername_arg = nullptr;

  // RFC 4507 session ticket keys. |ticket_key_current| may be NULL before the
  // first handshake and |ticket_key_prev| may be NULL at any time.
  // Automatically generated ticket keys are rotated as needed at handshake
  // time. Hence, all access must be synchronized through |lock|.
  bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::TicketKey> ticket_key_current;
  bssl::UniquePtr<bssl::TicketKey> ticket_key_prev;

  // Callback to support customisation of ticket key setting
  int (*ticket_key_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *name, uint8_t *iv,
                       EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ectx, HMAC_CTX *hctx, int enc) = nullptr;

  // Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the default identity hint to send in
  // PSK-based key exchanges.
  bssl::UniquePtr<char> psk_identity_hint;

  unsigned (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity,
                                  unsigned max_identity_len, uint8_t *psk,
                                  unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;
  unsigned (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity, uint8_t *psk,
                                  unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;

  // Next protocol negotiation information
  // (for experimental NPN extension).

  // For a server, this contains a callback function by which the set of
  // advertised protocols can be provided.
  int (*next_protos_advertised_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out,
                                   unsigned *out_len, void *arg) = nullptr;
  void *next_protos_advertised_cb_arg = nullptr;
  // For a client, this contains a callback function that selects the
  // next protocol from the list provided by the server.
  int (*next_proto_select_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
                              const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len,
                              void *arg) = nullptr;
  void *next_proto_select_cb_arg = nullptr;

  // ALPN information
  // (we are in the process of transitioning from NPN to ALPN.)

  // For a server, this contains a callback function that allows the
  // server to select the protocol for the connection.
  //   out: on successful return, this must point to the raw protocol
  //        name (without the length prefix).
  //   outlen: on successful return, this contains the length of |*out|.
  //   in: points to the client's list of supported protocols in
  //       wire-format.
  //   inlen: the length of |in|.
  int (*alpn_select_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
                        const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len,
                        void *arg) = nullptr;
  void *alpn_select_cb_arg = nullptr;

  // For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
  // format.
  bssl::Array<uint8_t> alpn_client_proto_list;

  // SRTP profiles we are willing to do from RFC 5764
  bssl::UniquePtr<STACK_OF(SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE)> srtp_profiles;

  // Defined compression algorithms for certificates.
  bssl::GrowableArray<bssl::CertCompressionAlg> cert_compression_algs;

  // Supported group values inherited by SSL structure
  bssl::Array<uint16_t> supported_group_list;

  // The client's Channel ID private key.
  bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> channel_id_private;

  // ech_server_config_list contains the server's list of ECHConfig values and
  // associated private keys. This list may be swapped out at any time, so all
  // access must be synchronized through |lock|.
  bssl::UniquePtr<SSL_ECH_SERVER_CONFIG_LIST> ech_server_config_list;

  // keylog_callback, if not NULL, is the key logging callback. See
  // |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|.
  void (*keylog_callback)(const SSL *ssl, const char *line) = nullptr;

  // current_time_cb, if not NULL, is the function to use to get the current
  // time. It sets |*out_clock| to the current time. The |ssl| argument is
  // always NULL. See |SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb|.
  void (*current_time_cb)(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out_clock) = nullptr;

  // pool is used for all |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s in case we wish to share certificate
  // memory.
  CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool = nullptr;

  // ticket_aead_method contains function pointers for opening and sealing
  // session tickets.
  const SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD *ticket_aead_method = nullptr;

  // legacy_ocsp_callback implements an OCSP-related callback for OpenSSL
  // compatibility.
  int (*legacy_ocsp_callback)(SSL *ssl, void *arg) = nullptr;
  void *legacy_ocsp_callback_arg = nullptr;

  // verify_sigalgs, if not empty, is the set of signature algorithms
  // accepted from the peer in decreasing order of preference.
  bssl::Array<uint16_t> verify_sigalgs;

  // retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
  // hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
  // session space. Only effective on the server side.
  bool retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs : 1;

  // quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
  // shutdown.
  bool quiet_shutdown : 1;

  // ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
  // whether OCSP stapling will be requested.
  bool ocsp_stapling_enabled : 1;

  // If true, a client will request certificate timestamps.
  bool signed_cert_timestamps_enabled : 1;

  // channel_id_enabled is whether Channel ID is enabled. For a server, means
  // that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients.  For a client, means that we'll
  // advertise support.
  bool channel_id_enabled : 1;

  // grease_enabled is whether draft-davidben-tls-grease-01 is enabled.
  bool grease_enabled : 1;

  // allow_unknown_alpn_protos is whether the client allows unsolicited ALPN
  // protocols from the peer.
  bool allow_unknown_alpn_protos : 1;

  // false_start_allowed_without_alpn is whether False Start (if
  // |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START| is enabled) is allowed without ALPN.
  bool false_start_allowed_without_alpn : 1;

  // handoff indicates that a server should stop after receiving the
  // ClientHello and pause the handshake in such a way that |SSL_get_error|
  // returns |SSL_ERROR_HANDOFF|.
  bool handoff : 1;

  // If enable_early_data is true, early data can be sent and accepted.
  bool enable_early_data : 1;

  friend void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *);

1.3 握手/加解密过程当中涉及到的数据结构

1.3.1 transcript hash数据结构

transcript实际上就是握手报文的完整结构,直接翻译为抄本,除了TLS1.3的HELLO RETRY REQUEST会加上一些特殊的地方,其他都是由报文拼接。可以看到,GOOGLE把所有的跟HASH相关的动作都包裹到SSLTranscript结构中。但是从功能的角度来看,我觉得这个就属于C++的强行面向对象了,我个人很厌烦这一点,不像C那么灵活和彻底。

// SSLTranscript maintains the handshake transcript as a combination of a
// buffer and running hash.
class SSLTranscript {

  // Init initializes the handshake transcript. If called on an existing
  // transcript, it resets the transcript and hash. It returns true on success
  // and false on failure.
  bool Init();

  // InitHash initializes the handshake hash based on the PRF and contents of
  // the handshake transcript. Subsequent calls to |Update| will update the
  // rolling hash. It returns one on success and zero on failure. It is an error
  // to call this function after the handshake buffer is released.
  bool InitHash(uint16_t version, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);

  // UpdateForHelloRetryRequest resets the rolling hash with the
  // HelloRetryRequest construction. It returns true on success and false on
  // failure. It is an error to call this function before the handshake buffer
  // is released.
  bool UpdateForHelloRetryRequest();

  // CopyToHashContext initializes |ctx| with |digest| and the data thus far in
  // the transcript. It returns true on success and false on failure. If the
  // handshake buffer is still present, |digest| may be any supported digest.
  // Otherwise, |digest| must match the transcript hash.
  bool CopyToHashContext(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *digest);

  Span<const uint8_t> buffer() {
    return MakeConstSpan(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(buffer_->data),

  // FreeBuffer releases the handshake buffer. Subsequent calls to
  // |Update| will not update the handshake buffer.
  void FreeBuffer();

  // DigestLen returns the length of the PRF hash.
  size_t DigestLen() const;

  // Digest returns the PRF hash. For TLS 1.1 and below, this is
  // |EVP_md5_sha1|.
  const EVP_MD *Digest() const;

  // Update adds |in| to the handshake buffer and handshake hash, whichever is
  // enabled. It returns true on success and false on failure.
  bool Update(Span<const uint8_t> in);

  // GetHash writes the handshake hash to |out| which must have room for at
  // least |DigestLen| bytes. On success, it returns true and sets |*out_len| to
  // the number of bytes written. Otherwise, it returns false.
  bool GetHash(uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len);

  // GetFinishedMAC computes the MAC for the Finished message into the bytes
  // pointed by |out| and writes the number of bytes to |*out_len|. |out| must
  // have room for |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE| bytes. It returns true on success and false
  // on failure.
  bool GetFinishedMAC(uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, const SSL_SESSION *session,
                      bool from_server);

  // buffer_, if non-null, contains the handshake transcript.
  UniquePtr<BUF_MEM> buffer_;
  // hash, if initialized with an |EVP_MD|, maintains the handshake hash.
  ScopedEVP_MD_CTX hash_;

1.3.2 AEAD context


class SSLAEADContext {
  SSLAEADContext(uint16_t version, bool is_dtls, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;

  SSLAEADContext(const SSLAEADContext &&) = delete;
  SSLAEADContext &operator=(const SSLAEADContext &&) = delete;

  // CreateNullCipher creates an |SSLAEADContext| for the null cipher.
  static UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> CreateNullCipher(bool is_dtls);

  // Create creates an |SSLAEADContext| using the supplied key material. It
  // returns nullptr on error. Only one of |Open| or |Seal| may be used with the
  // resulting object, depending on |direction|. |version| is the normalized
  // protocol version, so DTLS 1.0 is represented as 0x0301, not 0xffef.
  static UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> Create(enum evp_aead_direction_t direction,
                                          uint16_t version, bool is_dtls,
                                          const SSL_CIPHER *cipher,
                                          Span<const uint8_t> enc_key,
                                          Span<const uint8_t> mac_key,
                                          Span<const uint8_t> fixed_iv);

  // CreatePlaceholderForQUIC creates a placeholder |SSLAEADContext| for the
  // given cipher and version. The resulting object can be queried for various
  // properties but cannot encrypt or decrypt data.
  static UniquePtr<SSLAEADContext> CreatePlaceholderForQUIC(
      uint16_t version, const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);

  // SetVersionIfNullCipher sets the version the SSLAEADContext for the null
  // cipher, to make version-specific determinations in the record layer prior
  // to a cipher being selected.
  void SetVersionIfNullCipher(uint16_t version);

  // ProtocolVersion returns the protocol version associated with this
  // SSLAEADContext. It can only be called once |version_| has been set to a
  // valid value.
  uint16_t ProtocolVersion() const;

  // RecordVersion returns the record version that should be used with this
  // SSLAEADContext for record construction and crypto.
  uint16_t RecordVersion() const;

  const SSL_CIPHER *cipher() const { return cipher_; }

  // is_null_cipher returns true if this is the null cipher.
  bool is_null_cipher() const { return !cipher_; }

  // ExplicitNonceLen returns the length of the explicit nonce.
  size_t ExplicitNonceLen() const;

  // MaxOverhead returns the maximum overhead of calling |Seal|.
  size_t MaxOverhead() const;

  // SuffixLen calculates the suffix length written by |SealScatter| and writes
  // it to |*out_suffix_len|. It returns true on success and false on error.
  // |in_len| and |extra_in_len| should equal the argument of the same names
  // passed to |SealScatter|.
  bool SuffixLen(size_t *out_suffix_len, size_t in_len,
                 size_t extra_in_len) const;

  // CiphertextLen calculates the total ciphertext length written by
  // |SealScatter| and writes it to |*out_len|. It returns true on success and
  // false on error. |in_len| and |extra_in_len| should equal the argument of
  // the same names passed to |SealScatter|.
  bool CiphertextLen(size_t *out_len, size_t in_len, size_t extra_in_len) const;

  // Open authenticates and decrypts |in| in-place. On success, it sets |*out|
  // to the plaintext in |in| and returns true.  Otherwise, it returns
  // false. The output will always be |ExplicitNonceLen| bytes ahead of |in|.
  bool Open(Span<uint8_t> *out, uint8_t type, uint16_t record_version,
            const uint8_t seqnum[8], Span<const uint8_t> header,
            Span<uint8_t> in);

  // Seal encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and writes the
  // result to |out|. It returns true on success and false on error.
  // If |in| and |out| alias then |out| + |ExplicitNonceLen| must be == |in|.
  bool Seal(uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, size_t max_out, uint8_t type,
            uint16_t record_version, const uint8_t seqnum[8],
            Span<const uint8_t> header, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);

  // SealScatter encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and splits
  // the result between |out_prefix|, |out| and |out_suffix|. It returns one on
  // success and zero on error.
  // On successful return, exactly |ExplicitNonceLen| bytes are written to
  // |out_prefix|, |in_len| bytes to |out|, and |SuffixLen| bytes to
  // |out_suffix|.
  // |extra_in| may point to an additional plaintext buffer. If present,
  // |extra_in_len| additional bytes are encrypted and authenticated, and the
  // ciphertext is written to the beginning of |out_suffix|. |SuffixLen| should
  // be used to size |out_suffix| accordingly.
  // If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|. Other arguments may not
  // alias anything.
  bool SealScatter(uint8_t *out_prefix, uint8_t *out, uint8_t *out_suffix,
                   uint8_t type, uint16_t record_version,
                   const uint8_t seqnum[8], Span<const uint8_t> header,
                   const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, const uint8_t *extra_in,
                   size_t extra_in_len);

  bool GetIV(const uint8_t **out_iv, size_t *out_iv_len) const;

  // GetAdditionalData returns the additional data, writing into |storage| if
  // necessary.
  Span<const uint8_t> GetAdditionalData(uint8_t storage[13], uint8_t type,
                                        uint16_t record_version,
                                        const uint8_t seqnum[8],
                                        size_t plaintext_len,
                                        Span<const uint8_t> header);

  const SSL_CIPHER *cipher_;
  ScopedEVP_AEAD_CTX ctx_;
  // fixed_nonce_ contains any bytes of the nonce that are fixed for all
  // records.
  uint8_t fixed_nonce_[12];
  uint8_t fixed_nonce_len_ = 0, variable_nonce_len_ = 0;
  // version_ is the wire version that should be used with this AEAD.
  uint16_t version_;
  // is_dtls_ is whether DTLS is being used with this AEAD.
  bool is_dtls_;
  // variable_nonce_included_in_record_ is true if the variable nonce
  // for a record is included as a prefix before the ciphertext.
  bool variable_nonce_included_in_record_ : 1;
  // random_variable_nonce_ is true if the variable nonce is
  // randomly generated, rather than derived from the sequence
  // number.
  bool random_variable_nonce_ : 1;
  // xor_fixed_nonce_ is true if the fixed nonce should be XOR'd into the
  // variable nonce rather than prepended.
  bool xor_fixed_nonce_ : 1;
  // omit_length_in_ad_ is true if the length should be omitted in the
  // AEAD's ad parameter.
  bool omit_length_in_ad_ : 1;
  // ad_is_header_ is true if the AEAD's ad parameter is the record header.
  bool ad_is_header_ : 1;

1.3.3 Key Share结构

class SSLKeyShare {
  virtual ~SSLKeyShare() {}
  static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;

  // Create returns a SSLKeyShare instance for use with group |group_id| or
  // nullptr on error.
  static UniquePtr<SSLKeyShare> Create(uint16_t group_id);

  // Create deserializes an SSLKeyShare instance previously serialized by
  // |Serialize|.
  static UniquePtr<SSLKeyShare> Create(CBS *in);

  // Serializes writes the group ID and private key, in a format that can be
  // read by |Create|.
  bool Serialize(CBB *out);

  // GroupID returns the group ID.
  virtual uint16_t GroupID() const PURE_VIRTUAL;

  // Offer generates a keypair and writes the public value to
  // |out_public_key|. It returns true on success and false on error.
  virtual bool Offer(CBB *out_public_key) PURE_VIRTUAL;

  // Accept performs a key exchange against the |peer_key| generated by |Offer|.
  // On success, it returns true, writes the public value to |out_public_key|,
  // and sets |*out_secret| to the shared secret. On failure, it returns false
  // and sets |*out_alert| to an alert to send to the peer.
  // The default implementation calls |Offer| and then |Finish|, assuming a key
  // exchange protocol where the peers are symmetric.
  virtual bool Accept(CBB *out_public_key, Array<uint8_t> *out_secret,
                      uint8_t *out_alert, Span<const uint8_t> peer_key);

  // Finish performs a key exchange against the |peer_key| generated by
  // |Accept|. On success, it returns true and sets |*out_secret| to the shared
  // secret. On failure, it returns false and sets |*out_alert| to an alert to
  // send to the peer.
  virtual bool Finish(Array<uint8_t> *out_secret, uint8_t *out_alert,
                      Span<const uint8_t> peer_key) PURE_VIRTUAL;

  // SerializePrivateKey writes the private key to |out|, returning true if
  // successful and false otherwise. It should be called after |Offer|.
  virtual bool SerializePrivateKey(CBB *out) { return false; }

  // DeserializePrivateKey initializes the state of the key exchange from |in|,
  // returning true if successful and false otherwise.
  virtual bool DeserializePrivateKey(CBS *in) { return false; }

1.3.4 ECH 拓展


class ECHServerConfig {
  ECHServerConfig() : is_retry_config_(false), initialized_(false) {}
  ECHServerConfig(ECHServerConfig &&other) = default;
  ~ECHServerConfig() = default;
  ECHServerConfig &operator=(ECHServerConfig &&) = default;

  // Init parses |ech_config| as an ECHConfig and saves a copy of |private_key|.
  // It returns true on success and false on error. It will also error if
  // |private_key| is not a valid X25519 private key or it does not correspond
  // to the parsed public key.
  bool Init(Span<const uint8_t> ech_config, Span<const uint8_t> private_key,
            bool is_retry_config);

  // SupportsCipherSuite returns true when this ECHConfig supports the HPKE
  // ciphersuite composed of |kdf_id| and |aead_id|. This function must only be
  // called on an initialized object.
  bool SupportsCipherSuite(uint16_t kdf_id, uint16_t aead_id) const;

  Span<const uint8_t> raw() const {
    return raw_;
  Span<const uint8_t> public_key() const {
    return public_key_;
  Span<const uint8_t> private_key() const {
    return MakeConstSpan(private_key_, sizeof(private_key_));
  Span<const uint8_t> config_id_sha256() const {
    return MakeConstSpan(config_id_sha256_, sizeof(config_id_sha256_));
  bool is_retry_config() const {
    return is_retry_config_;

  Array<uint8_t> raw_;
  Span<const uint8_t> public_key_;
  Span<const uint8_t> cipher_suites_;

  // private_key_ is the key corresponding to |public_key|. For clients, it must
  // be empty (|private_key_present_ == false|). For servers, it must be a valid
  // X25519 private key.
  uint8_t private_key_[X25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN];

  // config_id_ stores the precomputed result of |ConfigID| for
  // |EVP_HPKE_HKDF_SHA256|.
  uint8_t config_id_sha256_[8];

  bool is_retry_config_ : 1;
  bool initialized_ : 1;

1.3.5 SSL_CONFIG结构


struct SSL_CONFIG {
  static constexpr bool kAllowUniquePtr = true;

  explicit SSL_CONFIG(SSL *ssl_arg);

  // ssl is a non-owning pointer to the parent |SSL| object.
  SSL *const ssl = nullptr;

  // conf_max_version is the maximum acceptable version configured by
  // |SSL_set_max_proto_version|. Note this version is not normalized in DTLS
  // and is further constrained by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
  uint16_t conf_max_version = 0;

  // conf_min_version is the minimum acceptable version configured by
  // |SSL_set_min_proto_version|. Note this version is not normalized in DTLS
  // and is further constrained by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
  uint16_t conf_min_version = 0;

  X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param = nullptr;

  // crypto
  UniquePtr<SSLCipherPreferenceList> cipher_list;

  // This is used to hold the local certificate used (i.e. the server
  // certificate for a server or the client certificate for a client).
  UniquePtr<CERT> cert;

  int (*verify_callback)(int ok,
                         X509_STORE_CTX *ctx) =
      nullptr;  // fail if callback returns 0

  enum ssl_verify_result_t (*custom_verify_callback)(
      SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_alert) = nullptr;
  // Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the identity hint to send in
  // PSK-based key exchanges.
  UniquePtr<char> psk_identity_hint;

  unsigned (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity,
                                  unsigned max_identity_len, uint8_t *psk,
                                  unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;
  unsigned (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity, uint8_t *psk,
                                  unsigned max_psk_len) = nullptr;

  // for server side, keep the list of CA_dn we can use
  UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> client_CA;

  // cached_x509_client_CA is a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
  // |client_CA|.
  STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *cached_x509_client_CA = nullptr;

  Array<uint16_t> supported_group_list;  // our list

  // The client's Channel ID private key.
  UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> channel_id_private;

  // For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
  // format.
  Array<uint8_t> alpn_client_proto_list;

  // alps_configs contains the list of supported protocols to use with ALPS,
  // along with their corresponding ALPS values.
  GrowableArray<ALPSConfig> alps_configs;

  // Contains a list of supported Token Binding key parameters.
  Array<uint8_t> token_binding_params;

  // Contains the QUIC transport params that this endpoint will send.
  Array<uint8_t> quic_transport_params;

  // Contains the context used to decide whether to accept early data in QUIC.
  Array<uint8_t> quic_early_data_context;

  // verify_sigalgs, if not empty, is the set of signature algorithms
  // accepted from the peer in decreasing order of preference.
  Array<uint16_t> verify_sigalgs;

  // srtp_profiles is the list of configured SRTP protection profiles for
  UniquePtr<STACK_OF(SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE)> srtp_profiles;

  // verify_mode is a bitmask of |SSL_VERIFY_*| values.
  uint8_t verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;

  // ech_grease_enabled controls whether ECH GREASE may be sent in the
  // ClientHello.
  bool ech_grease_enabled : 1;

  // Enable signed certificate time stamps. Currently client only.
  bool signed_cert_timestamps_enabled : 1;

  // ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
  // whether OCSP stapling will be requested.
  bool ocsp_stapling_enabled : 1;

  // channel_id_enabled is copied from the |SSL_CTX|. For a server, means that
  // we'll accept Channel IDs from clients. For a client, means that we'll
  // advertise support.
  bool channel_id_enabled : 1;

  // If enforce_rsa_key_usage is true, the handshake will fail if the
  // keyUsage extension is present and incompatible with the TLS usage.
  // This field is not read until after certificate verification.
  bool enforce_rsa_key_usage : 1;

  // retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
  // hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
  // session space. Only effective on the server side.
  bool retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs : 1;

  // handoff indicates that a server should stop after receiving the
  // ClientHello and pause the handshake in such a way that |SSL_get_error|
  // returns |SSL_ERROR_HANDOFF|. This is copied in |SSL_new| from the |SSL_CTX|
  // element of the same name and may be cleared if the handoff is declined.
  bool handoff : 1;

  // shed_handshake_config indicates that the handshake config (this object!)
  // should be freed after the handshake completes.
  bool shed_handshake_config : 1;

  // jdk11_workaround is whether to disable TLS 1.3 for JDK 11 clients, as a
  // workaround for
  bool jdk11_workaround : 1;

  // QUIC drafts up to and including 32 used a different TLS extension
  // codepoint to convey QUIC's transport parameters.
  bool quic_use_legacy_codepoint : 1;

2 握手函数

2.1 握手相关函数




3 基本的属性和值

3.1 protocol version和函数


#define DTLS1_VERSION_MAJOR 0xfe
#define SSL3_VERSION_MAJOR 0x03
#define SSL3_VERSION 0x0300
#define TLS1_VERSION 0x0301
#define TLS1_1_VERSION 0x0302
#define TLS1_2_VERSION 0x0303
#define TLS1_3_VERSION 0x0304
#define DTLS1_VERSION 0xfeff
#define DTLS1_2_VERSION 0xfefd
OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint16_t version);
OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint16_t version);                           OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_version(const SSL *ssl);                      

3.2 CTX的属性和函数


SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE //允许往一个record里面写部分的报文

3.3 证书和私钥相关函数

OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_certificate(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set0_chain(SSL_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_chain(SSL_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);

OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                        int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, void *arg),
                                        void *arg);  //这个函数就很有趣了,设置回调来选择具体的证书
SSL_get0_peer_verify_algorithms(const SSL *ssl, const uint16_t **out_sigalgs);//这个函数就负责选择对端识别的sig算法,从而能够影响本端证书的选择
OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_check_private_key(const SSL_CTX *ctx); //检测私钥证书是否匹配

4 复用相关数据结构



SESSION基本的数据结构,但是是关联SESSION ID还是SESSION CACHE是需要看SESSION里面的数据结构。实际上这意味着我们可以自由自在地往里面存储数据。

OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_SESSION_free(SSL_SESSION *session); //减少引用计数,引用计数为0就触发free
OPENSSL_EXPORT uint64_t SSL_SESSION_get_time(const SSL_SESSION *session);//获取SESSION的颁发时间
OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(const SSL_SESSION *session,
                                                 uint8_t *out, size_t max_out);//获取具体的衍生秘钥
OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_should_be_single_use(const SSL_SESSION *session);//这个就很牛逼了,只能使用一次的SESSION


SESSION有什么区别?这个问题自然而然出现了,看注释应该是一样的,都是SSL_session结构。boringg ssl自己内置了一种SESSION CACHE的代码实现,使用的数据结构是内置的hashTable,原文引用于下

For a server, the library implements a built-in internal session cache as an in-memory hash table. Servers may also use SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb and SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb to implement a custom external session cache. In particular, this may be used to share a session cache between multiple servers in a large deployment. An external cache may be used in addition to or instead of the internal one. Use SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode to toggle the internal cache.

#define SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF 0x0000  //用来关停SESSION CACHE功能
struct ssl_session_st {
  explicit ssl_session_st(const bssl::SSL_X509_METHOD *method);
  ssl_session_st(const ssl_session_st &) = delete;
  ssl_session_st &operator=(const ssl_session_st &) = delete;

  CRYPTO_refcount_t references = 1;

  // ssl_version is the (D)TLS version that established the session.
  uint16_t ssl_version = 0;

  // group_id is the ID of the ECDH group used to establish this session or zero
  // if not applicable or unknown.
  uint16_t group_id = 0;

  // peer_signature_algorithm is the signature algorithm used to authenticate
  // the peer, or zero if not applicable or unknown.
  uint16_t peer_signature_algorithm = 0;

  // secret, in TLS 1.2 and below, is the master secret associated with the
  // session. In TLS 1.3 and up, it is the resumption PSK for sessions handed to
  // the caller, but it stores the resumption secret when stored on |SSL|
  // objects.
  int secret_length = 0;
  uint8_t secret[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH] = {0};

  // session_id - valid?
  unsigned session_id_length = 0;
  uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH] = {0};
  // this is used to determine whether the session is being reused in
  // the appropriate context. It is up to the application to set this,
  // via SSL_new
  uint8_t sid_ctx_length = 0;
  uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH] = {0};

  bssl::UniquePtr<char> psk_identity;

  // certs contains the certificate chain from the peer, starting with the leaf
  // certificate.
  bssl::UniquePtr<STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER)> certs;

  const bssl::SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method = nullptr;

  // x509_peer is the peer's certificate.
  X509 *x509_peer = nullptr;

  // x509_chain is the certificate chain sent by the peer. NOTE: for historical
  // reasons, when a client (so the peer is a server), the chain includes
  // |peer|, but when a server it does not.
  STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain = nullptr;

  // x509_chain_without_leaf is a lazily constructed copy of |x509_chain| that
  // omits the leaf certificate. This exists because OpenSSL, historically,
  // didn't include the leaf certificate in the chain for a server, but did for
  // a client. The |x509_chain| always includes it and, if an API call requires
  // a chain without, it is stored here.
  STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain_without_leaf = nullptr;

  // verify_result is the result of certificate verification in the case of
  // non-fatal certificate errors.
  long verify_result = X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CALL;

  // timeout is the lifetime of the session in seconds, measured from |time|.
  // This is renewable up to |auth_timeout|.
  uint32_t timeout = SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT;

  // auth_timeout is the non-renewable lifetime of the session in seconds,
  // measured from |time|.
  uint32_t auth_timeout = SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT;

  // time is the time the session was issued, measured in seconds from the UNIX
  // epoch.
  uint64_t time = 0;

  const SSL_CIPHER *cipher = nullptr;

  CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;  // application specific data

  // These are used to make removal of session-ids more efficient and to
  // implement a maximum cache size.
  SSL_SESSION *prev = nullptr, *next = nullptr;

  bssl::Array<uint8_t> ticket;

  bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> signed_cert_timestamp_list;

  // The OCSP response that came with the session.
  bssl::UniquePtr<CRYPTO_BUFFER> ocsp_response;

  // peer_sha256 contains the SHA-256 hash of the peer's certificate if
  // |peer_sha256_valid| is true.
  uint8_t peer_sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH] = {0};

  // original_handshake_hash contains the handshake hash (either SHA-1+MD5 or
  // SHA-2, depending on TLS version) for the original, full handshake that
  // created a session. This is used by Channel IDs during resumption.
  uint8_t original_handshake_hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE] = {0};
  uint8_t original_handshake_hash_len = 0;

  uint32_t ticket_lifetime_hint = 0;  // Session lifetime hint in seconds

  uint32_t ticket_age_add = 0;

  // ticket_max_early_data is the maximum amount of data allowed to be sent as
  // early data. If zero, 0-RTT is disallowed.
  uint32_t ticket_max_early_data = 0;

  // early_alpn is the ALPN protocol from the initial handshake. This is only
  // stored for TLS 1.3 and above in order to enforce ALPN matching for 0-RTT
  // resumptions. For the current connection's ALPN protocol, see
  // |alpn_selected| on |SSL3_STATE|.
  bssl::Array<uint8_t> early_alpn;

  // local_application_settings, if |has_application_settings| is true, is the
  // local ALPS value for this connection.
  bssl::Array<uint8_t> local_application_settings;

  // peer_application_settings, if |has_application_settings| is true, is the
  // peer ALPS value for this connection.
  bssl::Array<uint8_t> peer_application_settings;

  // extended_master_secret is whether the master secret in this session was
  // generated using EMS and thus isn't vulnerable to the Triple Handshake
  // attack.
  bool extended_master_secret : 1;

  // peer_sha256_valid is whether |peer_sha256| is valid.
  bool peer_sha256_valid : 1;  // Non-zero if peer_sha256 is valid

  // not_resumable is used to indicate that session resumption is disallowed.
  bool not_resumable : 1;

  // ticket_age_add_valid is whether |ticket_age_add| is valid.
  bool ticket_age_add_valid : 1;

  // is_server is whether this session was created by a server.
  bool is_server : 1;

  // is_quic indicates whether this session was created using QUIC.
  bool is_quic : 1;

  // has_application_settings indicates whether ALPS was negotiated in this
  // session.
  bool has_application_settings : 1;

  // quic_early_data_context is used to determine whether early data must be
  // rejected when performing a QUIC handshake.
  bssl::Array<uint8_t> quic_early_data_context;

  friend void SSL_SESSION_free(SSL_SESSION *);

数据结构看完了,看看SESSION CACHE的管理是怎么做的,几个关键函数如下,其中:

  • session_id拓展到hash实际上使用了session_id的前四字节

    uint32_t ssl_hash_session_id(Span<const uint8_t> session_id) {
      // Take the first four bytes of |session_id|. Session IDs are generated by the
      // server randomly, so we can assume even using the first four bytes results
      // in a good distribution.
      uint8_t tmp_storage[sizeof(uint32_t)];
      if (session_id.size() < sizeof(tmp_storage)) {
        OPENSSL_memset(tmp_storage, 0, sizeof(tmp_storage));
        OPENSSL_memcpy(tmp_storage,, session_id.size());
        session_id = tmp_storage;
      uint32_t hash =
          ((uint32_t)session_id[0]) |
          ((uint32_t)session_id[1] << 8) |
          ((uint32_t)session_id[2] << 16) |
          ((uint32_t)session_id[3] << 24);
      return hash;
  • 有了hash+session_id+session_ctx->sessions最后实际上是个比较函数,BORING SSL最后使用的比较函数是个宏,展开来这个宏如下。所以我们得看看LHASH到底是个什么数据结构,因为ssl->session_ctx->sessions的数据结构是LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION) *sessions = nullptr;。这个东西在OPENSSL里面也有,说白了就是hash表,但是一个大锁对应一个HASH表可太狠了,所以我们得看看ssl_lookup_session的时候发生了什么

    // ssl_lookup_session looks up |session_id| in the session cache and sets
    // |*out_session| to an |SSL_SESSION| object if found.
    static enum ssl_hs_wait_t ssl_lookup_session(
        SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> *out_session,
        Span<const uint8_t> session_id) {
      SSL *const ssl = hs->ssl;
      if (session_id.empty() || session_id.size() > SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH) {
        return ssl_hs_ok;//session id不合法,不是合理的session id就直接放弃
      UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> session;
      // Try the internal cache, if it exists.
      if (!(ssl->session_ctx->session_cache_mode &
        uint32_t hash = ssl_hash_session_id(session_id);//先通过session_id计算出来hash
        auto cmp = [](const void *key, const SSL_SESSION *sess) -> int {
          Span<const uint8_t> key_id =
              *reinterpret_cast<const Span<const uint8_t> *>(key);
          Span<const uint8_t> sess_id =
              MakeConstSpan(sess->session_id, sess->session_id_length);
          return key_id == sess_id ? 0 : 1;
        MutexReadLock lock(&ssl->session_ctx->lock);  //读锁开始锁SSL连接相关的session-ctx的锁了,然后升高ssl->session-ctx->session的reference count。但是这个锁太大了!去找一下这个锁的初始化的位置,这个锁太狠了
        // |lh_SSL_SESSION_retrieve_key| returns a non-owning pointer.
        session = UpRef(lh_SSL_SESSION_retrieve_key(ssl->session_ctx->sessions,
                                                    &session_id, hash, cmp));
        // TODO(davidben): This should probably move it to the front of the list.
      // Fall back to the external cache, if it exists.
      if (!session && ssl->session_ctx->get_session_cb != nullptr) {
        int copy = 1;
                                                       session_id.size(), &copy));
        if (!session) {
          return ssl_hs_ok;
        if (session.get() == SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr()) {
          session.release();  // This pointer is not actually owned.
          return ssl_hs_pending_session;
        // Increment reference count now if the session callback asks us to do so
        // (note that if the session structures returned by the callback are shared
        // between threads, it must handle the reference count itself [i.e. copy ==
        // 0], or things won't be thread-safe).
        if (copy) {
        // Add the externally cached session to the internal cache if necessary.
        if (!(ssl->session_ctx->session_cache_mode &
          SSL_CTX_add_session(ssl->session_ctx.get(), session.get());
      if (session && !ssl_session_is_time_valid(ssl, session.get())) {
        // The session was from the cache, so remove it.
        SSL_CTX_remove_session(ssl->session_ctx.get(), session.get());
      *out_session = std::move(session);
      return ssl_hs_ok;
  • 上面看完了LOOKUP我们看看new SESSION的时候,也就是添加SESSION的时候发生了什么?一个ssl的session最多存储多少个?

    int SSL_CTX_add_session(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session) {
      // Although |session| is inserted into two structures (a doubly-linked list
      // and the hash table), |ctx| only takes one reference.
      UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> owned_session = UpRef(session);
      SSL_SESSION *old_session;
      MutexWriteLock lock(&ctx->lock);//还是一把大写锁啊,蛋疼
      if (!lh_SSL_SESSION_insert(ctx->sessions, &old_session, session)) {
        return 0;
      // |ctx->sessions| took ownership of |session| and gave us back a reference to
      // |old_session|. (|old_session| may be the same as |session|, in which case
      // we traded identical references with |ctx->sessions|.)
      if (old_session != NULL) {
        if (old_session == session) {
          // |session| was already in the cache. There are no linked list pointers
          // to update.
          return 0;
        // There was a session ID collision. |old_session| was replaced with
        // |session| in the hash table, so |old_session| must be removed from the
        // linked list to match.
        SSL_SESSION_list_remove(ctx, old_session);
      SSL_SESSION_list_add(ctx, session);
      // Enforce any cache size limits.
      if (SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(ctx) > 0) {
        while (lh_SSL_SESSION_num_items(ctx->sessions) >
               SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(ctx)) {
          if (!remove_session_lock(ctx, ctx->session_cache_tail, 0)) {
      return 1;
  • 上面看完了NEW我们看看删除SESSION的时候发生了什么

    static int remove_session_lock(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session, int lock) {
      int ret = 0;
      if (session != NULL && session->session_id_length != 0) {
        if (lock) {
          CRYPTO_MUTEX_lock_write(&ctx->lock);       //先加锁,先把锁给锁上避免争用
        SSL_SESSION *found_session = lh_SSL_SESSION_retrieve(ctx->sessions, session);  //好了,获取对应的SESSION看是不是还存在,不存在就说明已经被其他的线程给删除了,那我们就没啥事情了,但是需要释放锁。
        if (found_session == session) {
          ret = 1;
          found_session = lh_SSL_SESSION_delete(ctx->sessions, session);//从OPENSSL的hash表里面删除掉这个session
          SSL_SESSION_list_remove(ctx, session);//hash表删除掉可没玩,还需要从链表上把session删除掉
        if (lock) {
        if (ret) {  //ret为1,说明是当前线程执行的删除操作,因此需要释放内存
          if (ctx->remove_session_cb != NULL) {
            ctx->remove_session_cb(ctx, found_session);
      return ret;
    static void SSL_SESSION_list_remove(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session) {  //一个基础的链表,直接删除就成了
      if (session->next == NULL || session->prev == NULL) {
      if (session->next == (SSL_SESSION *)&ctx->session_cache_tail) {
        // last element in list
        if (session->prev == (SSL_SESSION *)&ctx->session_cache_head) {
          // only one element in list
          ctx->session_cache_head = NULL;
          ctx->session_cache_tail = NULL;
        } else {
          ctx->session_cache_tail = session->prev;
          session->prev->next = (SSL_SESSION *)&(ctx->session_cache_tail);
      } else {
        if (session->prev == (SSL_SESSION *)&ctx->session_cache_head) {
          // first element in list
          ctx->session_cache_head = session->next;
          session->next->prev = (SSL_SESSION *)&(ctx->session_cache_head);
        } else {  // middle of list
          session->next->prev = session->prev;
          session->prev->next = session->next;
      session->prev = session->next = NULL;//看看这一步操作,还是把当前要去掉的session的前和后置空了,对一部分人,教科书级别的打脸啊。

所以可以总结session_ctx->lock的管辖范围,一个大锁管了一堆,虽然有lazy delete但是,没蛋用。能够看出来,实际上BORING SSL和OPENSSL都一样,都是一把大锁加个链表存储



On the server, tickets are encrypted and authenticated with a secret key. By default, an SSL_CTX will manage session ticket encryption keys by generating them internally and rotating every 48 hours. Tickets are minted and processed transparently. The following functions may be used to configure a persistent key or implement more custom behavior, including key rotation and sharing keys between multiple servers in a large deployment. There are three levels of customisation possible:

1) One can simply set the keys with SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys. 2) One can configure an EVP_CIPHER_CTX and HMAC_CTX directly for encryption and authentication. 3) One can configure an SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD to have more control and the option of asynchronous decryption.

相比较而言,我更喜欢session ticket,因为这东西完全不在本地存储软件,省大了去的事啦!而且只要逻辑确定了,避开锁争用的消耗就太棒啦!看一下具体的创建session_tickets的函数

static bool add_new_session_tickets(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs, bool *out_sent_tickets) {
  SSL *const ssl = hs->ssl;
  if (// If the client doesn't accept resumption with PSK_DHE_KE, don't send a
      // session ticket.
      !hs->accept_psk_mode ||
      // We only implement stateless resumption in TLS 1.3, so skip sending
      // tickets if disabled.
      (SSL_get_options(ssl) & SSL_OP_NO_TICKET)) {  //判断能不能颁发session,看来boring ssl在老版本根本没做这工作
    *out_sent_tickets = false;
    return true;

  // TLS 1.3 recommends single-use tickets, so issue multiple tickets in case
  // the client makes several connections before getting a renewal.
  static const int kNumTickets = 2;    //每次颁发两个single-use ticket,来保证能够多次复用,不过我很好奇这个single-use怎么做的

  // Rebase the session timestamp so that it is measured from ticket
  // issuance.
  ssl_session_rebase_time(ssl, hs->new_session.get());   //校定时间

  for (int i = 0; i < kNumTickets; i++) {
    UniquePtr<SSL_SESSION> session(
        SSL_SESSION_dup(hs->new_session.get(), SSL_SESSION_INCLUDE_NONAUTH));
    if (!session) {
      return false;

    if (!RAND_bytes((uint8_t *)&session->ticket_age_add, 4)) {  //随机生成ticket_age_add
      return false;
    session->ticket_age_add_valid = true;
    bool enable_early_data =
        ssl->enable_early_data &&
        (!ssl->quic_method || !ssl->config->quic_early_data_context.empty());
    if (enable_early_data) {  //校定是不是需要EARLYDATA拓展
      // QUIC does not use the max_early_data_size parameter and always sets it
      // to a fixed value. See draft-ietf-quic-tls-22, section 4.5.
      session->ticket_max_early_data =
          ssl->quic_method != nullptr ? 0xffffffff : kMaxEarlyDataAccepted;

    static_assert(kNumTickets < 256, "Too many tickets");
    uint8_t nonce[] = {static_cast<uint8_t>(i)};

    ScopedCBB cbb;
    CBB body, nonce_cbb, ticket, extensions;
    if (!ssl->method->init_message(ssl, cbb.get(), &body,
                                   SSL3_MT_NEW_SESSION_TICKET) ||
        !CBB_add_u32(&body, session->timeout) ||
        !CBB_add_u32(&body, session->ticket_age_add) ||
        !CBB_add_u8_length_prefixed(&body, &nonce_cbb) ||
        !CBB_add_bytes(&nonce_cbb, nonce, sizeof(nonce)) ||
        !CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed(&body, &ticket) ||
        !tls13_derive_session_psk(session.get(), nonce) ||
        !ssl_encrypt_ticket(hs, &ticket, session.get()) ||
        !CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed(&body, &extensions)) {
      return false;

    if (enable_early_data) {  //根据是否需要加入early_data来确定是不是加拓展
      CBB early_data;
      if (!CBB_add_u16(&extensions, TLSEXT_TYPE_early_data) ||
          !CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed(&extensions, &early_data) ||
          !CBB_add_u32(&early_data, session->ticket_max_early_data) ||
          !CBB_flush(&extensions)) {
        return false;

    // Add a fake extension. See draft-davidben-tls-grease-01.
    if (!CBB_add_u16(&extensions,
                     ssl_get_grease_value(hs, ssl_grease_ticket_extension)) ||
        !CBB_add_u16(&extensions, 0 /* empty */)) {
      return false;

    if (!ssl_add_message_cbb(ssl, cbb.get())) {
      return false;

  *out_sent_tickets = true;
  return true;

最后我们提一句single-use这个事情,TLS1.3 RFC对于SINGLE-USE是维持一个SESSION TICKET数据库,如果用到了就直接删除,保证不会再出现复用。那么BORING SSL怎么做的呢?我们就看看BORING SSL处理SESSION TICKET的逻辑,换言之,只要是TLS1.3之后,包括TLS1.3的版本,必然是SINGLE-USE的,这个假设可以说是相当错误,实际上没必须如此的设定。

int SSL_SESSION_should_be_single_use(const SSL_SESSION *session) {
  return ssl_session_protocol_version(session) >= TLS1_3_VERSION;


Note also, in TLS 1.2 and earlier, offering sessions allows passive observers to correlate different client connections. TLS 1.3 and later fix this, provided clients use sessions at most once. Session caches are managed by the caller in BoringSSL, so this must be implemented externally. See SSL_SESSION_should_be_single_use for details.

5 拓展相关数据结构

5.1 ALPN

5.2 NPN


