1 SAST实践
- 目前CI的Clang-Tidy Check开启的Checker不充足,需要扫描代码库检查存在哪些代码问题,从而判断开启哪些Checker。
- Clang-Tidy Check只针对用户编辑的文件进行扫描,用户不编辑的文件无法发现问题。
每天定时触发一次对onboard & offboard下以gpu模式编译的cc_library,cc_binary对象的SAST扫描,检查结果上传至下,经由TPM同学进行分诊,并创建Issue到具体协同者。
Found no defects in
[HIGH] /home/qcrafter/.cache/bazel/_bazel_qcrafter/4207c8486d34138987115c0107ecb5f8/execroot/com_qcraft/onboard/planner/assist/ 2nd function call argument is an uninitialized value [core.CallAndMessage]
mapping::LanePathData(lane_path.start_fraction(), end_fraction,
Found 1 defect(s) in
----==== Severity Statistics ====----
Severity | Number of reports
HIGH | 882
MEDIUM | 13814
LOW | 1973
STYLE | 20
----==== Checker Statistics ====----
Checker name | Severity | Number of reports
core.CallAndMessage | HIGH | 136
security.FloatLoopCounter | MEDIUM | 214
cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions | LOW | 1264
----==== File Statistics ====----
File name | Number of reports
------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2 | 12
Checker name | Severity |
core.CallAndMessage | HIGH |
security.FloatLoopCounter | MEDIUM |
cppcoreguidelines-special-member-functions | LOW |
clang-diagnostic-sign-compare | MEDIUM |
clang-diagnostic-unused-parameter | MEDIUM |
bugprone-sizeof-container | HIGH |
bugprone-undefined-memory-manipulation | MEDIUM |
optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject | MEDIUM |
cert-dcl58-cpp | HIGH |
clang-diagnostic-deprecated-copy-with-user-provided-copy | MEDIUM |
performance-noexcept-move-constructor | MEDIUM |
clang-diagnostic-deprecated-declarations | MEDIUM |
readability-suspicious-call-argument | LOW |
performance-move-const-arg | MEDIUM |
misc-definitions-in-headers | MEDIUM |
optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall | MEDIUM |
deadcode.DeadStores | LOW |
bugprone-forwarding-reference-overload | LOW |
core.NullDereference | HIGH |
bugprone-use-after-move | HIGH |
misc-unconventional-assign-operator | MEDIUM |
clang-diagnostic-missing-field-initializers | MEDIUM |
google-global-names-in-headers | STYLE |
performance-no-automatic-move | LOW |
cert-dcl59-cpp | MEDIUM |
google-build-namespaces | MEDIUM |
bugprone-integer-division | MEDIUM |
core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult | HIGH |
bugprone-unused-return-value | MEDIUM |
misc-redundant-expression | MEDIUM |
bugprone-unhandled-exception-at-new | MEDIUM |
core.uninitialized.Assign | HIGH |
bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast | HIGH |
bugprone-virtual-near-miss | MEDIUM |
core.NonNullParamChecker | HIGH |
bugprone-incorrect-roundings | HIGH |
misc-misplaced-const | LOW |
unix.Malloc | MEDIUM |
cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks | HIGH |
bugprone-suspicious-missing-comma | HIGH |
bugprone-lambda-function-name | LOW |
core.uninitialized.UndefReturn | HIGH |
optin.portability.UnixAPI | MEDIUM |
bugprone-signed-char-misuse | MEDIUM |
core.DivideZero | HIGH |
core.StackAddressEscape | HIGH |
bugprone-swapped-arguments | HIGH |
bugprone-forward-declaration-namespace | LOW |
cert-err09-cpp | HIGH |
unix.API | MEDIUM |
bugprone-not-null-terminated-result | MEDIUM |
cplusplus.NewDelete | HIGH |
bugprone-fold-init-type | HIGH |
bugprone-sizeof-expression | HIGH |
cplusplus.Move | HIGH |
bugprone-inaccurate-erase | HIGH |
bugprone-string-constructor | HIGH |
clang-diagnostic-unused-result | MEDIUM |
clang-diagnostic-#pragma-messages | MEDIUM |
bugprone-signal-handler | MEDIUM |
bugprone-too-small-loop-variable | MEDIUM |
misc-uniqueptr-reset-release | MEDIUM |
- sonarqube
- codechecker
codechecker流程,如何安装?直接使用pip3 install codechecker即可,最终工程治理组将codechecker装进了docker里面,就不需要指定目录了,直接可以调用CodeChecker
CodeChecker log
runs the given build command and records the executed compilation steps. These steps are written to an output file (Compilation Database) in a JSON format。这个实践起来并不是一个好的方法,因为本身在本地做编译就比较荒谬。实际上使用可以方便的生成compile database,不需要再用codechecker本身的注入式log#这种做法不推荐 /home/qcraft/.local/bin/CodeChecker log -o ./sim_server_compile_commands.json -b "bazel --batch \ build \ --spawn_strategy=local \ --strategy=Genrule=local \ --copt=-DLEVELDB_PLATFORM_POSIX \ --action_env=LD_PRELOAD=\$LD_PRELOAD \ --action_env=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \ --action_env=CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE=\$CC_LOGGER_GCC_LIKE \ --action_env=CC_LOGGER_FILE=\$CC_LOGGER_FILE \ //offboard/dashboard:sim_server" #这种做法推荐 ( cd "${INSTALL_DIR}" \ && curl -L "${VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar -xz \ && ln -f -s "${INSTALL_DIR}/bazel-compilation-database-${VERSION}/" bazel-compdb ) # This will generate compile_commands.json in your workspace root. # ./bazel-compdb # Only generate some folder ./bazel-compdb -q //offboard/simulation/simulator/...
CodeChecker analyze
uses the previously created JSON Compilation Database to perform an analysis on the project, outputting analysis results in a machine-readable (plist) format。这里的skip file能帮忙过滤掉proto文件,只分析我们感兴趣的文件-
#skip file -*/proto/* +*/offboard/* +*/onboard/* -*
/home/qcraft/.local/bin/CodeChecker analyze ./sim_server_compile_commands.json -o codechecker_report
1.1.2 如何避免误报
- 直接在文件层面skip掉这些报错的文件,这种粒度比较大,可能会有导致其它问题被隐蔽,参考
- 使用codechecker支持的注释或者comment内容来避免false positive误报,参考
- 在web interface能够配置,某些是false positive的。不过这个是网络层面,还没做
代码层面避免,语言层面的保障应该是高于逻辑层面的。也就是说如果用户说逻辑层面能保证这种行为,这个就不能算作是false positive
生效的情况下,static analysis会正确地找到对应的代码,从而不会出现错误的理解。这个宏的作用实际上并不止这些还For example the following code:
unsigned f(unsigned x) { return (x >> 1) & 1; }
Could be rewritten as:
#ifndef __clang_analyzer__ unsigned f(unsigned x) { return (x >> 1) & 1; } #else unsigned f(unsigned x) { return (x / 2) % 2; } #endif
Clang-Tidy has lots of useful syntax based checks. Some of these checks find bug-prone code snippets. When these snippets are intentional, usually there is a natural way to make the intent more explicit. Unfortunately, it is hard to give a general guideline, because the details are different for each check. The documentation of the check might contain hints how to express intention more clearly. Let us look at an example:
double f(int i) { return 32 / (2 + i); // Warning, integer division, loss of precision. }
It can be rewritten to as the following to suppress the warning:
double f(int i) { return (int)(32 / (2 + i)); // No warning, the intention is explicit. }
The second version makes it clear even though the return value is a floating point value the loss of precision during integer division is intentional. Adding a comment why this is intentional would make this even clearer. Such edits makes the code easier to understand for fellow developers.
对函数/部分代码添加正确的annotations,比方说C++ 11 的noreturn,
analyzor支持assert检查,编译debug对象的时候这些assert能够有效的避免出现相应的flase positive报错,编译器会检查到assert必然满足了某些条件,从而不会出现对应的问题。参考
int f(MyEnum Val) { int x = 0; switch (Val) { case MyEnumA: x = 1; break; case MyEnumB: x = 5; break; } return 5/x; // Division by zero when Val == MyEnumC. }
It can be rewritten to as the following to suppress the warning:
int f(MyEnum Val) { int x = 0; switch (Val) { case MyEnumA: x = 1; break; case MyEnumB: x = 5; break; default: assert(false); break; } return 5/x; // No warning. }
Other macros or builtins expressing unreachable code may be used. Note that the rewritten code is also safer, since debug builds now check for more precondition violations.
In case of C++11 or later, another option is to use Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) to avoid assigning a meaningless value.
int f(MyEnum Val) { const int x = [&] { // Note the lambda. switch (Val) { case MyEnumA: return 1; case MyEnumB: return 5; default: assert(false); return 0; } } (); return 5/x; // No warning. }
2 代码审计
2.1 SQL部分
- GORM对map的value进行了预编译,但却没对key进行预编译,因此如果是key是可以用户指定的,那么就可能存在注入点。我们的代码没有这个问题
- GORM对表结构的查询使用了预编译,最常见的例子是用?表示数据,比方说
db.Where("name = ?", name)
,但是如果没使用默认的预编译比方说如果是db.Where("name = '" + name + "'")
这种,那么就会有注入风险。 - raw sql执行,
,只要用户能控制sql的内容就存在注入。发现了这个问题 - exec sql执行,和上面的raw sql执行一样,
- db.order,采用预编译执行SQL语句传入的参数不能作为SQL语句的一部分,那么OrderBy所代表的的列名、或者是后面跟随的ASC/DESC也无法进行预编译处理。
2.2 XSS审计